Basements are notorious for mould growth due to their damp and dark environments. If you discover mould in your basement, promptly addressing the issue is essential. While do-it-yourself projects can be rewarding, attempting mould removal on your own is dangerous and hazardous. It’s better to enlist professional help to avoid more significant problems.

Understanding the Dangers of Mould

Mould is a type of fungus that thrives in moist conditions. It releases spores into the air, which cause various health problems when inhaled. You can read more about them on the official Canadian government website.

Common types of mould found in basements include: 

The appearance of these mould types leads to respiratory issues, allergies, and other health complications, particularly in individuals with weakened immune systems.

Why DIY Basement Mould Removal Is Dangerous

Why DIY Basement Mould Removal Doomed to Fail

Lack of Proper Equipment and Knowledge

Effective mould extermination requires specialized equipment such as: 

  • Protective clothing; 
  • Masks; 
  • Gloves;
  • High-quality cleaning products. 

Without the right tools and knowledge, you risk inadequate removal and potential exposure to harmful mould spores.

Improper Containment and Ventilation

To prevent the spread of mould spores to other areas of your home, you must prepare ventilation with special filters in advance. DIY attempts often lack the necessary protocols, leading to the accidental dispersal of spores, potentially contaminating unaffected areas.

Incomplete Removal Leading to Regrowth

Mould colonies are persistent, and entirely removing them requires thorough remediation. DIY methods may overlook hidden mould growth, leading to regrowth and recurring issues down the line.

Spreading Mould Spores Throughout the House

As mentioned, it’s effortless to accidentally spread mould spores since they are microscopic and easily airborne. DIY attempts at fungus removal can unknowingly spread these spores throughout your house, increasing the risk of mould infestation in other areas.

Health Risks

Improper removal of mould has severe health consequences for you and your family.

Its spores trigger: 

  • Allergic reactions;
  • Respiratory issues; 
  • Or worsen existing health conditions such as asthma or allergies. 

Prolonged mould exposure also has long-term consequences, such as chronic respiratory problems and compromised immune function.

Benefits of Professional Mould Cleaning

Hiring a specialized service offers numerous benefits compared to attempting the task yourself.

Here they are:

  • Professional mould remediation specialists possess the necessary expertise and experience to identify the extent of the mould problem, assess the underlying causes, and develop a comprehensive remediation plan;
  • Specialists follow industry-standard protocols to remove mould from your basement safely. They have the appropriate equipment, protective gear, and knowledge to ensure a thorough and effective mildew-removal process;
  • Expert mould removal includes measures to address the root cause of the mould issue, such as fixing leaks or improving ventilation. This helps prevent future mould growth and ensures a healthier living environment.

For professional basement waterproofing, you should address WillFix. We perform foundation crack repair and a whole range of other services to prevent mould installation in the first place.

The Significance of Hiring a Professional

When it comes to basement mould cleaning, hiring a professional is highly recommended. Not all people want to deal with such hazardous issues themselves.

Proper Assessment of Mould Severity

Specialists accurately assess the severity of mould infestation, determining the type of mould and the extent of the problem. This assessment guides them in developing an appropriate remediation plan tailored to your specific needs.

Effective Containment and Removal Techniques

Mould removal experts implement proper containment procedures to prevent the spread of mould spores. They use advanced removal techniques to eliminate mould colonies safely and efficiently.

Ensuring a Safe and Healthy Environment

Finally, mould experts aim to restore a safe and healthy living environment for you and your family. By addressing the mould issue correctly, professionals minimize the risk of mould-related health problems and provide peace of mind. 

How to Prevent Mould Growth

It’s necessary to address the factors that contribute to its development in the first place.

Firstly, maintaining proper ventilation throughout the home is essential. Adequate airflow helps reduce moisture levels. Regularly opening windows and using exhaust fans in areas prone to moisture, such as bathrooms and kitchens, significantly help in this regard. 

Secondly, it’s necessary to control humidity levels. Using dehumidifiers in damp areas, especially basements, effectively reduce excess moisture in the air. Additionally, ensuring proper insulation and sealing of windows and doors prevents condensation from forming. If you notice air leaks or cracks on your old windows, performing windows and doors replacement is better.

Lastly, promptly addressing any leaks or water damage is important. Whether it’s a leaky basement, plumbing issue, or water infiltration, promptly fixing these problems prevents mould from thriving. You can also install a sump pump in your basement that will let you know in case of flooding by sending an alarm signal to your phone.

Why DIY Basement Mould Removal Is Dangerous

Read more in our previous article, Sump Pumps. How They Work, Types, and More. Regular inspections and maintenance are vital in identifying and resolving any potential sources of moisture. By implementing these preventative measures, you reduce the risk of mould growth.

Why Should You Perform Basement Sealing?

Basement waterproofing is a main step in preventing mould infestation. Basements are incredibly vulnerable to moisture intrusion due to their below-ground location and proximity to the soil. 

Moisture seepage through the foundation walls and floor creates a damp environment conducive to mould growth. 

Therefore, proactive measures to waterproof basements are crucial for maintaining a dry and mould-free living space.

One of the primary benefits of basement waterproofing is the prevention of water infiltration. Waterproofing techniques such as exterior basement waterproofing, interior sealants, and drainage systems help to create a barrier against water.

By preventing water from entering the basement, you can significantly reduce the moisture levels and create an unfavourable environment for mould growth. We’ll also note that even small amounts of moisture can provide enough humidity for mould spores to thrive, making waterproofing a crucial preventive measure.

Proper basement sealing also helps address other moisture sources that lead to mould growth. For example, condensation can occur in basements due to temperature differences between the interior and exterior of the home. Waterproofing techniques, such as insulation and vapour barriers, help regulate the temperature and minimize condensation.

Beyond the health benefits, basement waterproofing protects the structural integrity of a home. Moisture intrusion often leads to the deterioration of foundation walls and mould growth within structural components.

Over time, this weakens the foundation and compromises the stability of the entire structure. You can mitigate the risk of structural damage caused by moisture and mould, ensuring your property’s long-term durability and value, by promptly performing waterproofing measures.


While saving money and taking on DIY projects can be tempting, DIY basement mould removal is dangerous and ineffective due to the health risks associated with mould exposure and the lack of proper equipment and knowledge.

Mould remediation requires expertise, specialized equipment, and the ability to make sure a thorough and safe removal process. By hiring professional services, you can address the mould issue effectively, prevent future growth by performing WillFix basement waterproofing, and protect the health and well-being of your household.

Mould Removal FAQ

  • What is a main step in preventing mould growth?

    Basements are incredibly vulnerable to moisture intrusion because of their underground location and proximity to the soil. Basement waterproofing should solve the problem of mould growth. 

  • Are there any other benefits of basement waterproofing?

    Yes, much of them. One is prevention of water infiltration. Waterproofing techniques such as exterior basement waterproofing, interior sealants, and drainage systems help to create a barrier against water. 

  • Why mould is so dangerous?

    Mould has severe health consequences. Its spores trigger allergic reactions, respiratory issues or worsen existing health conditions such as asthma or allergies. Prolonged mould exposure also has long-term consequences.

  • How do I know if water has gotten into my basement?

    You can install a sump pump. It will notify you in case of flooding by sending an alarm signal to a special phone app.

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